Ashtanga YoGa in Nepal and beyond

Coming to Nepal is the secret dream of many people: to see the famous snow capped mountains, to explore its cultural heritage and to experience the friendliness of the Himalayan people. My aim is to share with you - not just the Ashtanga practice, but also the cultural and spiritual treasures of the country, in which I am deeply involved. I lived in Kathmandu's Tibetan community for ten years studying Buddhist philosophy and Himalayan languages. I speak Tibetan, which is the native language of the Tibetan expats in and of many people along the Northern borders. I also Studied Sanskrit, which was traditionally widely used among the Nepali Brahmin population and the Newar Buddhists. During my retreats I will take you to some of my favourite places around and beyond the Kathmandu valley, where I will introduce you to the Sacred and the Marvellous Nepal. This is the true land of yogis, a melting pot of cultures, people and religions -  come practice Ashtanga with me in the spiritual hub of the Himalayas!


Why Ashtanga Yoga In Nepal

Ashtanga Yoga is a transformative practice. It is a life -long journey in which we confront deeply rooted mental and physical patterns and work directly with our own limitations. Ashtanga is not the easiest but it is an immeasurably rewarding practice as long as we commit to it: the truth is that that we can all change!  - and Nepal is a place that takes yogic practitioners very seriously. The valley which for centuries has been the home of great spiritual adepts, is scattered with meditation caves and shrines dedicated to great yogis of the past. This is a place where many practitioners still spend months and years in solitary retreats and the perfect place to engage in deep transformative practice. Here we have the support of limitless sky, the vastness of the mountains and a huge and diverse spiritual community.


Special Yoga Treks

Special Yoga Treks

Get inTO Nepal

I have lived in Nepal for more than ten years, studying religion and Himalayan languages at Kathmandu University. During this time Nepal has become my new home and the place in the world where, according to my passion for yoga and spiritual practices, it makes the most sense to be. What makes Nepal so unique, apart from its breathtaking snowcapped mountains, is the culture and not at least the people. I arrange exclusive treks and tours to sacred places. Through my knowledge of the local culture and language I will introduce you to the people and places we visit so that you can make a deeper connection with the country.


Ashtanga Yoga and Philosohy exclusive retreats


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